Things on My Bucket List
By Charles Rachel
First I should explain what a Bucket List is for my readers who may not know.
A Bucket List is a list of things you want to do or experience in life before death.
One of the first things on this list is for Tonya and me to expand our family. I would like to keep my name or blood line to continue long after I am gone. The next experience I would like to have as a last memory is something I briefly discussed in an earlier article about my perfect world. I have always been interested in the Royal lifestyle. One of my favorite things about it is the bow or curtsy greeting a Royal receives. I am more interested in the curtsy, which means the same as the male bow. It is not my intention to disrespect anyone, or give the wrong impression, but if I keep denying my feelings about this subject. I would be lying to myself and everyone else about what I like. I hope there is someone reading this that is willing to curtsy just for the fun of it. These are a few things on my bucket list. Please know this isn't ment in a fresh way tward anyone. I personally think it would be an interesting experience ment in fun only, and no other reason.
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