Thursday, December 13, 2012

Second Thoughts

Second Thoughts
By Charles Rachel

The only reason a man might find a wallet in the street and put it back after looking inside is, if he might be planning to steel the contents of it. This might be money, credit cards, or any other items he thought he might be able to use for a certain purpose. Then the man might have re considered his decision, and decided instead to do the correct thing. If I was the man who found the wallet, I would try to find the owner of the wallet. If I was unable to locate the owner, I would turn the wallet in to the police and tell them where I found it. I would hope they would be able to return the wallet to its rightful owner. That is what I would do in this type of situation.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Updated Superstition List

Updated Superstition List
By Charles Rachel

For many years, we have heard lots of superstitions. Such as don’t walk under a ladder, you will have seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror, don’t cross in front of a black cat, and step on a crack, and break your mother’s back. Many people believe these silly superstitions. These sayings have been around for many years. I think it is time to include a few new ones. We all know horse shoes are considered a lucky charm. Wouldn’t it stand to reason then, if you owned a horse you might be four times as lucky? Because horses wear four of  them.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Why I Should Get what I Want for Christmas This Year

Why I Should Get What I Want for Christmas This Year
By Charles Rachel

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good boy this year. I have been kind to others, and I try to help anyone who needs it. I am also a very hard worker. I have even been trying not worry as much about things I can’t change, and I try to make improvements in my life, and in the lives of those around me when I can. These are some of the reasons I think I should get the gifts I asked for this year.