Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Two Friends Fight to the Death

Two Best Friends Fight to the Death
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time there lived two friends named Bill and John. Their favorite sport was boxing. They always dreamt of becoming professional boxers someday.  They loved to watch it on television. They thought it might be fun to go to a live boxing event. So they headed downtown to the arena where the fight was being held. They asked to be trained to fight in the ring. This request was granted. Then they fought each other as the audience watched in amazement.  Bill won the fight and everyone had a great time.

Monday, July 30, 2012

A New Kind of Magic Cola on the Market

A New Kind of Magic Cola on the Market
By Charles Rachel


There is a new kind of soda on the market from the makers of Coca-Cola. It tastes like blueberries. This isn’t just any cola however, it is a magic cola. It brings out whatever is most in peoples personalities. For instance, if you are usually a loving person, it helps you be more outgoing with that side of your personality. However if you have a bit of a darker personality, it will display that side of your personality as well. If two people share from the same bottle, using separate glasses of course. The second person becomes more relaxed, and willing to at least try whatever might be requested of them. However it works differently on some people. This magic cola has also been known to give some who drink it, super powers. This is a good thing, because the people with these powers help protect us from the dark side, and keep us safe.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Creepiest Coffee Shop that Ever Existed

The Creepiest Coffee Shop that Ever Existed
By Charles Rachel

The creepiest coffee shop that ever existed is in New England. It is said to be haunted. People who have been there have experienced lights turning on and off by themselves, cups falling off the tables for no reason, and in the kitchen ovens not getting hot as fast as they should. These seem to be playful spirits, but they have still frightened away many employees and customers of the coffee shop. Who are these ghosts? Would you visit this place? Go ahead, if you dare!!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Free Eye Surgery that makes Everything Look like a Vangogh Painting

A Free Eye Surgery that makes Everything Look like a Vangogh Painting
By Charles Rachel

If someone offered to do free eye surgery on me, I might consider it at first. However if the doctor told me the surgery would forever make everything I see look like a Vangogh painting, I don’t think I would want it. Vincent Vangogh was a good artist, but I don’t think I would like to see his work in everything and everyone I see. I wouldn’t mind seeing a painting sometimes. However I also want to see all of the other beautiful things, people, and places in the world too.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Invasion of the Demon Bicycle Racers

Invasion of the Demon Bicycle Racers
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time Earth was invaded by a team of evil demon bicycle racers. Led by the Devil himself, they raced all over Earth looking for people to try to persuade to join the dark side and serve the Devil. They found some who were a bit easy to convince, and some who were not quite that easy. Sometimes all it takes is a little help from above. Just trust in the Lord and all will be fine. This is a battle that rages on, even today.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Revenge of the Water Sprits

Revenge of the Water Sprits
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time there lived a family named Jones. The man’s name was Ben, and the woman’s name was Sandy. They had two children named Tony and Jennifer. The Jones family loved to spend lots of time outside having fun. One day they decided to have a picnic. They had all of the traditional food. They also played water games such as shooting water pistols, and popping water balloons. There was even a dunk tank. While the food was cooking on the grill, Ben picked up a water pistol and began shooting Tony and Jennifer. They ran around trying to get away. Then they turned and began shooting back at him. Meanwhile Sandy began throwing some water balloons at Ben, Tony, and Jennifer. Soon it was time to eat. After lunch they all began playing again. This time they also took turns in the dunk tank. Sandy was first to be dunked. Ben began throwing balls at the tank, plunging Sandy into the water several times. Each one of the children also took a turn at throwing their Mom into the water. It soon was time for the picnic to end. They all had fun, and promised to do it again soon.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Mad Scientist Returns

The Mad Scientist Returns
By Charles Rachel

When we last left the mad Scientist’s laboratory, he had invented a magic potion that could give anyone anything they wanted in life. Then he met and helped a man named Daniel find love. What was not revealed in the first part of the story however the mad Scientist also wanted to have his own experience with the magic potion. He often wondered what would happen if he added just a touch of black magic to it. He has always been a little curious about what it might be like to be a king or ruler of the world, even if only for the day, but he knew this would never happen. Then the mad Scientist began mixing the black magic into the potion. He soon met a woman named Jan. He quickly invited her into his lab and showed her the potion. She asked him what it did. He told her it would give her anything she wanted in life. She said she wanted to be a dancer. He then told her to take a drink. As she took the first sip, something strange began to happen. It wasn’t what the mad Scientist promised. Instead with every sip she took, Jan became hypnotized and more under the mad Scientist’s spell. She began to see the mad Scientist the way he hoped she would. Eventually the spell was broken and all ended well.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Why these Caracters Make for Great Television

Why these kinds of Characters Make for Great Television
By Charles Rachel

I think classic cartoon characters such as Bugs Bunny, the Road Runner, Fog horn Leg horn, and Tweedy Bird, just to name a few. These characters and many more make up the Loony Tunes television Program. These characters make for great TV because they provide lots of great fun and entertainment the whole family can enjoy. Unlike a lot of the other programs today, which focus on violence and in appropriate content, the Loony Tunes have stood the test of time.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Mad Scientist's Magic Potion

The Mad Scientist’s Magic Potion
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time there lived a man named Daniel. He lived alone in a small house. He wished he could find someone to love and share his life with. He tried dating, but hadn’t been able to find the right girl. One day as Daniel was walking to the store, he came upon a tall building. He suddenly became interested in what might be inside. He slowly walked toward the building and opened the door. Then he walked up a flight of stares. He soon came to a laboratory. As Daniel entered the lab, he saw a Scientist working on a potion. He asked the Scientist what kind of potion it was. The Scientist told him it was a potion that could give him anything he wanted in life. Daniel quickly became interested and told the Scientist he wanted someone to share his life with. The Scientist told him to drink the potion and he could have that, and anything else he desired. He took a drink and left to look for someone to love. He soon met a woman named Jill. He asked her out and she said yes. They went on several dates and were married a short time later. The only real side affect was, the potion wore off at the end of the day. So he had to use it once a day to continue living this lifestyle.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Golf Fundraiser That Takes an Un Expected Turn

A Golf Fundraiser that takes an Un Expected Turn
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time there lived two men named David and Sam. They both work at a doctor’s office, and have seen patients with many different types of ailments or diseases. However the disease that is closest to Sam and David’s hearts, and the one they would like to find the cure for most is cancer. Sam had an idea about raising money by playing sports. David’s favorite sport was golf. So they started playing golf to raise money for cancer research. They were playing golf one day, and were on the eleventh hole. Sam took a swing. The ball rolled passed the hole and into the woods. David ran after the ball. Suddenly he saw a rabbit. David slowly walked farther into the woods to look for the ball. He couldn’t find it anywhere. Sam and David soon came to the conclusion that maybe the rabbit thought the ball was a carrot and ate it. They had lots of balls though. So the game continued.  

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Boldest Thing I Have Ever Done

The Boldest Thing I Have Ever Done
By Charles Rachel

The boldest thing I have ever done is admit I like something I have been ignoring for a   long time. Only to learn it is a part of my family heritage. Now I can openly talk about it and know it is something I can be proud of. I am part Irish. That means I have some family ties to the British royal family. I have always liked the royal family, but thought there was something wrong with that. Because of some of the things I like about it. However after learning more about that way of life, it is something I can and will be proud of forever and always.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Someone Who Overcame their Shyness Thrugh Murder

Someone Who Overcame Their Shyness through Murder
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time there lived a man and woman. Their names were John and Jane. Jane enjoyed meeting new people, and making new friends. However John has always been a bit shy around people he didn’t know well. One day John and Jane decided to go for a walk in the park. Along the way they met a man named Bob who also liked to take long walks in the park. As Bob came closer to them, Jane introduced herself. John said hi, but not much else. He couldn’t wait to be away from that situation.  Then one evening some time later, John went for a walk alone. This time however John took a led pipe with him, just in case he met up with Bob again. Just then John saw Bob walking his dog, and coming toward him. John didn’t want to talk to Bob. He has tried several times to avoid being in that situation, but Bob kept trying anyway. Finally John got tired of being followed around. He drew the led pipe and began swinging it at Bob. It struck Bob in the head knocking him to the ground. After a minute, John told Bob to get up. Bob just continued lying there though. It wasn’t long before John knew what he had done. John couldn’t live with himself knowing he had just committed murder. There was no need for a trial. Because since he couldn’t live with what he did, John took his own life. This left Jane all alone, which is not how it should be for anyone.
