Thursday, December 15, 2011

Something I Regret Not Doing This Year

Something I Regret Not Doing This Year
By Charles Rachel

Something I regret not doing this year is not getting to spend enough time with Abigail.
I miss her a lot. I hope to change that in the future.
I want to have the best Father Daughter relationship we can. I will do everything in my power to help her succeed in life because that's my most important fulltime job.
I have done the best I can so far. I think and hope it can only get better from here.
That's what I regret most of all.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Something I Am Looking Forward To This Year

Something I Am Looking Forward To This Year
By Charles Rachel

I am looking forward to spending more time with Tonya and Abigail.
I haven't seen them in a long time. I have seen Tonya more in the past several months then I have the whole time we have been together.
I hope we can continue to get closer than ever before.I also hope to be married to her soon.

In addition I would like to be working for the Carroll County Times or close to it.
With Becca's help as well as help from the Arc and DORS , I know things will work out just fine.
these are the things I am looking forward to in the new year.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The National Baltimore Aquarium An Exploration Of Life Under The Sea

The National Baltimore Aquarium: An Exploration Of Life Under The Sea
By: Charles Rachel
I recently went on a trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore Maryland with the Arc Carroll County. We first had pizza, which the Arc had delivered.
After dinner we left the Arc and headed to Baltimore. On our way to the National Aquarium we saw the Occupy Baltimore group, which is a group of protesters protesting our economy and lack of jobs.
When we got to the National Aquarium we met the Aquarium staff who gave us special access to the exibits after the Aquarium closed. We were able to pull up on the sidewalk to get closer to the bilding. When the tour began we saw lots of neat exhibits, such as stingrays, jelly fish, dolphins, turtles, and cockroaches, as well as aligator and crocodile skulls. We saw divers in the tank who were writing messages to us making it appear the animals were talking to us.
At the end of the tour, we each recieved cups as parting gifts. This was a fun learning expirience. We now know much more about the animals and their natural habitat. The Arc Carroll County Support Services staff and clients were invited to attend this event by the part of the Aquarium,called Access Aquariun. This is an indever that provides access to the Aquarium for people with divelopmental and intelectual disabilities after the Aquarium closes. This Makes it much easier to get around. Because it is less crowed and we could see more of the exibits. The Maryland School For The Blind and many other organizations were in attendence, but this was the first time the Arc Carroll County has ever been invited to attend. It was an enjoyable expirience, and we look forward to visiting again in the future.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Best Thanksgiving I Have Ever Had

The Best Thanksgiving I Have Ever Had
By Charles Rachel

The best Thanksgiving I had happened a few years ago. We used to have a larger table so we could all sit at there and eat at once. Now Thanksgiving is a two day event bacause my sister and her family go to my brother in law's grandmother's house on Thanksgiving day and still have dinner with us the day after. I like it when we are all together.

Life On The Planet Mars

Life on the planet Mars
By Charles Rachel

The aliens that live on the planet Mars are called Martians. People have had experiences of being examined while on a space ship by the green creatures. What could they want with us? What could we learn from them?
They have more advanced medicines and medical technology, which means fewer illnesses. We might also learn a new Martian break dance. We could also teach them how to speak English and how to get along with others.
Stories of U.F.O.s and Aliens have been around for many years. Are they true? We may never know. We might also learn more about what life might be like on the planet Mars. Then we might find out if our type of life could be supported on Mars, in the event we would need to leave

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My idea of the perfect vacation

My idea of the perfect vacation
By Charles Rachel

My perfect vacation would be going back to Walt Disney world in Florida. I went on vacation there in 1997 and loved every minute of it. On the last morning of the trip we had breakfast with the characters. It was lots of fun. I would even live there if I could.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Special Olympics Maryland

The Maryland Special Olympics
By: Charles Rachel
The Special Olympics was founded in 1962 by the late Eunice Kennedy Shriver as a summer day camp for people with intellectual disabilities at her home in Maryland. It has since become a world wide annual event that athletes like myself look forward to each year.
I have competed in the soft ball throw, the straight wheel chair race, and the slalom in which you must drive between traffic cones that are set up on the track. I won first, second, third, and fourth place in these events in years past. Between the mid 1980s to late 1990s. Many clients from the Arc of Carroll County also participate in the Special Olympics. My friend Tammy Hollibaugh is an athlete in the Special Olympics. She has been involved since she was eight years old in elementary school. She is also on the Special Olympics council which is a meeting for people all over the State. She participates in 7 sports. Tammy said " I love being an athlete. Having fun and trying my hardest. I like cheering on the other teams too. Special Olympics is the only event where you can cheer for both sides.It is wonderful to just go and enjoy the day."
Cathi is Tammy's Mom. Cathi is on the olympic committee which plans the Special Olympics event each year.
Special Olympic teams are made up of athletes. They choose three sports in which to participate. It might be swimming, basketball, gymnastics or many other sports. They then meet on the weekends leading up to the event to practice their skills at these sports.
The day of competition begins with some words from County, State, and Special Olympics officials to excite the athletes for the day. Then after the national anthem, the officials give their go ahead to let the games begin! Then the athletes are assigned fans. The assigned fans can be anyone from family members, friends, or volenteers. They may be someone the athletes are meeting for the first time. These fans or huggers as they were once known are people who help the athletes get to their events on time. They also help them get lunch. After their events officers of the Maryland State police department present the athletes with their awards. After all of the athletes have competed in their events, the day of competition ends. This happens twice a year. The first is known as the County Olympics and is usually held in April at Westminster, Maryland. The second is the State Olympics which is held in Towson, Maryland. This time athletes from all over the State compete. However, there is one difference. The event is now two days long in this location. Day one begins with the opening remarks from State and Olympic officials. The athletes must then spend the night there. On day two competition begins. Competition is the same as previusly stated above. Then the athletes return home and look forward to next year when it begins All over again. I then asked both Tammy and Cathi what their favorite part of the day is from begining to end. Cathi said "Just seeing everyone who is there" and Tammy said "I like competing."
Then I asked how they would feel if there were no Special Olympics. Both Tammy and Cathi said " We don't know what we would be doing if there was no Special Olympics. We can't picture our lives without the Special Olympics in it." Personally I think the Special Olympics is the greatest event ever created for people with disabilities because it shows what we can do when we put our minds to it.
So in closing, I would like to say. Thank you to Mrs. Shriver. May she rest in peace. I would also like to thank those who are now running the organization. To the athletes I leave my final thought. Let us win, but if we can not win. Let us be brave in the attempt!

"The history of the special olympics." Special Olympics, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.

Friday, September 30, 2011

What I would do if I won the Lottery

By Charles Rachel

If I won the Lottery I would donate money to the Arc, go to collage to learn more about the latest changes in computer technology, and start my own computer business. These are some things I would do with my Lottery winnings, but the chances of that happening are almost zero.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chicago Musical Review

Chicago: Musical Review
By: Charles Rachel

I recently had the opportunity to see Chicago the musical.
It was a great show with great music. Chicago is a story of murder and seeking justice. Two of the ladies accused of murder are named Roxy and Velma. They get into fights with each other about how they plan to prove their innocence in court. They hire Lawyer Billy Flynn to handle each of their cases. Chicago also has phenomenal singing and dancing. On a scale of one to ten, this show is a perfect ten. Fun for the whole family. Chicago is now playing at the Way Off Broadway Marquee dinner theater in Fredrick Maryland through November 5, 2011.

Friday, September 9, 2011

What I love

What I love
By Charles Rachel

I love writing about many different topics. One of the topics I like to write about is sports. I also write about my life experiences. I also have found that writing can sometimes be a good way to better express my thoughts and feelings.
I love spending time with my nephews and niece I also love spending time with Tonya and Abigail, and I love finding fun things to do and spending time with Becca.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Once I dreamt about

Once I dreamt about
By Charles Rachel

Once I dreamt about being married and having a family and a good job. I have the family I want with Tonya. I would like to expand it though. I am still looking for the perfect job match. Hopefully I will find it soon

Ravens 2011 pre season game 4 recap

Ravens 2011 Preseason Game 4 Re cap
By Charles Rachel

The Ravens played against the Atlanta Falcons in Atlanta. Neither team’s starting quarterback played in this game. Atlanta’s Chykie Brown returned an interception pass 65-yards for a touchdown, and Baltimore scored the wining points after forcing another Atlanta turnover, an appropriate way to decide an otherwise dreadful game that was won by the final score of 21-7 Ravens, to complete a winless pre season for the Falcons.

Ravens 2011 Preseason Game 4 Re cap
By Charles Rachel

The Ravens played against the Atlanta Falcons in Atlanta. Neither team’s starting quarterback played in this game. Atlanta’s Chykie Brown returned an interception pass 65-yards for a touchdown, and Baltimore scored the wining points after forcing another Atlanta turnover, an appropriate way to decide an otherwise dreadful game that was won by the final score of 21-7 Ravens, to complete a winless pre season for the Falcons.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I wish someone told me

I wish someone told me
By Charles Rachel

I wish someone told me how hard it is to find a good job. I have been looking for a long time and still haven't found the one that is right for me. I have tried to think of ideas to help my team and I find it. Every idea we've had or every job I have applied for has failed so far. I will not give up, but I am out of ideas if I don't become a Newspaper writer soon.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why a teacher might chair career

Why a teacher might change their career
By Charles Rachel

A teacher might decide to change his or her career for many reasons. They may want to try new things; they may not think they make enough money. They may be moving to a new location or there may be medical reasons. Whatever the case might be, we should wish them well in the future and hope that people who want to continue teaching do so for as long as they can because our children need to continue learning.

The Green Turtle Arc fund raiser

The Green Turtle Arc fundraiser
By Charles Rachel

The Green Turtle sports bar and grill in Westminster held a fund raiser to benefit the Arc of Carroll County, which helps people with developmental disabilities find just the right type of job fit that matches both their interests and skills. Many members of the Arc staff were guest bar tenders. These guest bar tenders included Kevin Walla, Floyd Westbrook, Alise Wilson and Danett Kowmartin. The fundraiser was a success. We raised $3700 dollars for the Arc. Thank you to the Green Turtle and all who came out to support the Arc of Carroll County.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My perfect vacation

My perfect vacation
By Charles Rachel

My perfect vacation would be if I got to return to Walt Disney world with family and friends. I went there in 1997 with some friends and loved it. It made me feel like an innocent child again. I didn't want to leave. If I could have a vacation, I would like to go back there some day.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How a broken plate would feel.

A plate that is broken would be in lots of pieces and would be sharp. It would also be a useless plate. If this plate were a person it is much the same. A person who is broken might feel unwanted, unneeded or unloved. This is not a good way for anyone to feel. A person who feels this way may want to be left alone to think. The best thing we as friends can do is offer our support and let them know that we are here to help if needed.

How the N.F.L, lockout has affected the Arc

The recent N.F.L. lockout between team owners and players means the Ravens will not be holding their training camp workouts in Westminster this year. This is bad News for local businesses which depend on the boost in money and sales that the Ravens training camp brings to the area. This also means that many Ravens fans in Carroll County such as clients of the Arc Carroll County will not get the opportunity to meet the Ravens players or get their autographs. This has become an annual tradition of the Arc which the clients look forward to each year. We hope the Ravens return to Westminster so this tradition can resume and continue in the future.

Friday, July 22, 2011

How the Career Planning process has helped me plan for future employment

I feel like I am much closer to finding had no idea of a job than I was three months ago. Before I anything that I wanted to do, so I was just aimlessly thinking of what to do. In three months I have gained a focus of what job I want. Now there is also more of a focus on finding me a job than there was three months ago. The meeting process has given me more ideas and taught me there are more opportunities out there than I thought before. I wish this process had existed before because the process would have made job searching easier and faster. The process is a great experience and knowing these opportunities exist is empowering to me in so many ways.
I see myself in the future working as a writer at a paper or writing for an online paper. I also am planning on building my resume and collection of personal writing. Mainly I am anxious to see what the future holds and working as hard as I can to achieve my dreams.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why I want to walk

Cerebral Palsy is a condition that is disease that affects "brain and nervous system functions such as movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking" ("Cerebral Palsy"). This disease is caused by "Bleeding in the brain, brain infections, head injury, infections in the mother during pregnancy, and severe jaundice" during infancy. The affect of Cerebral Palsy is "seizures, speech problems, muscle tightness, pain, and abnormal gait". I am an individual diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy who is currently bound to a wheel chair, but that is soon to change because assistive technology is becoming available to me to help me walk again.
I want to walk because it is a good workout for me. It will help my legs become stronger and I will be able to better aid those who help me with my daily care. Hopefully, one day I will be able to independently care for myself.
It would also better my mental health because I would be proud of myself. With being in a wheel chair independence is harder to come, while I appreciate individuals helping me with tasks; I would appreciate it more to complete them myself. I would also feel better physically because I could stretch my legs, which sometimes become cramped after sitting a long period of time. I think if I had some assistive technology like a standing walker that I can be strapped into and some assistance in case of a fall my life long dream of walking will come true; even if I need help to do so. I walked for the first time in quite some years a few weeks ago at work with a walker and assistance from a co-worker. It felt great after a long time of not walking since my long lost walker has not been recovered, so I cannot walk at home, nor at work.
We have attempted to begin the process of trying to get me some assistive walking tools to help make this possible. I think this will help me become stronger and live a better healthier lifestyle.

"Cerebral Palsy." Disease and Conditions 09 16 2009. n. pag. Pub Med. Web. 9 Aug 2011. .

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My perfect world

What my perfect world would be like
By Charlie Rachel

In my perfect world I would be married to Tonya and helping her raise our daughter. I would also be working as a Newspaper Reporter. I wouldn’t want to change much about the way we live and the freedom we have, but I have always been a bit interested in some of the ways of the Royal lifestyle. If I could have a little of this even if for only for a day and have it not seem as odd as it might sound to others I would be happy living in my own perfect world.
I would like to see what it would be like to live in a castle. I would like to meet a real prince or princess and see how their life is different from ours, a lot I’m sure.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

If I could change something

If I had the power to change something
By Charlie Rachel

If I could change one thing it would be to get up and walk as easily as everyone else, but I am grateful for my friends, family and places like the Arc that are able to help me through it all. There were times when my Doctors said I wouldn’t live long, but I have proven them wrong. I keep dealing with thing the best way I can. Because I am a fighter. That’s who I am.

Monday, June 27, 2011

There once was a chance I didn't take

I once had a chance when I was in school to go camping, but I didn’t take it because I was not used to being away from home. The teachers tried to talk me into it, but I kept saying no. As I look back on it today I wish I had taken the chance just once and gone. I realize now how much fun it would have been. If I should ever get the chance to go camping again. I will take it and have fun.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Results from my first Career Planning Meeting

My first Career Planning Meeting was held on Friday April 15, 2011 at Mug Shots inside the Town Mall of Westminster. My team and I came up with lots of good ideas of types of jobs I would be good at and some places to start looking. Such as working as a security gard, writing for the Carroll County times or another type of smaller Newspaper company. I like these types of meetings because they provide lotsof great information and ideas that I may not have thought of on my own. I look forward to continuing these meetings gaining as many ideas and as much information as possible to help me choose just the right job and career that best fit my intrests and lifestyle.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Computer Wiz Kid

    Learning about and learning how to use the computer was one of my favorite subjects in school. I have learned how to use many different types of computers and computer programs over the years. I have used Apple, Dell, and IBM computers - each with different features that I enjoy using and working with. I have also learned how to use Microsoft word to help me write stories and articles about my life as well as using the internet as a tool for communication and research. I got so good at it that I became known as the Computer Wiz Kid during my time in school. If the teachers had trouble getting the computer to do what that they wanted, they would pull me out of class to them fix the problem. 
    Today using the computer is one of my favorite past times. I like the computer for many reasons such as using it to express myself through my writing. It allows others to access my writing to better learn about me. It also allows me to communicate with people I may not be able to communicate with otherwise.

- Charlie Rachel

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Orioles 2011 Season Preview

    The Orioles will try to end their streak of 13 straight seasons with a losing record, during the 2011 season. The Orioles made some key additions to their lineup and pitching staff that should make them a contender in the AL Wildcard, if not the AL East and help them build off their strong finish to the 2010 season under Buck Showalter.
    The Orioles addressed a lot of holes in their offense during this past offseason. They added Mark Reynolds and Vladimir Guerrero to provide power to a line-up that has not had a true power hitter in a few seasons. J.J. Hardy was also added as an upgrade at shortstop. He will provide a little power and solid defense to the Orioles 2011 lineup. They also added veteran first baseman Derrek Lee. Lee has been a solid defensive first basemen and provides another quality batter to the lineup. The additions of these veterans to the lineup will continue to further the development of Nick Markakis, Adam Jones, and Matt Weiters. If veteran Brian Roberts is able to remain healthy for the entire season, then the Orioles' lineup has the making of a feared lineup.
    The Orioles also added some key pitchers to strengthen their pitching staff, which showed improvement as the 2010 season ended. Closer Kevin Gregg was added to finish out games for the Orioles in 2011, which was an adventure in 2010. Justin Duchscherer was added to strengthen the rotation and provide veteran experience to a young group. 
    If things are able to come together for the Orioles in 2011, then it could be a special year. I look for the Orioles to have a very good year, building on the strong finish to last season. I think if they play as well as they did after Buck Showalter took over, they have a shot at making the playoffs and even contending for a World Series, which would be a fete that has not been accomplished since 1983. It is great to see the optimism back in Baltimore.    

- Charlie Rachel

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ravens Playoff Game 2 Recap

    The Ravens played against the Pittsburgh Steelers in the second round of the playoffs. This was the third meeting of the season between the two teams, with each team winning at the others home field during the regular season. In those games, the defenses dominated, holding the scoring to a minimum. The same cannot be said about this game. 
    The Steelers scored first with a good opening drive, but on their next two possessions, the Ravens forced two critical turnovers. The Ravens' offense turned those turnovers into 14 points and helped the Ravens jump out to a 21-7 lead going into halftime. The Ravens had all the momentum in their favor heading into halftime and it looked like the Ravens were going to run away with the game. 
    In the second half, it was the Ravens turn to give away points and allow the Steelers to get back into the game. Ray Rice fumbled the football, opening the door for the Steelers to score on a touchdown pass, which made it 21-14. On the Ravens' next drive, Joe Flacco overthrew a pass that was intended for Todd Heap and was picked off by the Steelers. The Steelers offense added another touchdown after the interception, tying up the score at 21 heading into the fourth quarter. 
    With 1:33 left in the game, the Steelers scored the go ahead touchdown, making it 31-24. The Ravens had a last minute chance at coming back, but a fourth down pass dropped by T.J. Houshmandzadeh ended the game and the Ravens' season. 
    The Ravens' offense was once again ineffective in the second half and put their defense in a bind, which seemed to have been the story of the season for the Ravens. The Ravens will need to address a few issues in order to get over the hump in 2011. 

- Charlie Rachel

Ravens' Wild-Card Game Recap

    The Ravens traveled to Kansas City during Wild-Card weekend. The Chiefs, who won the AFC West with a 10-7 record, had one of the top rushing attacks in the NFL in the regular season. 
    As it turned out, the Chiefs were not able to get anything going offensively and ultimately were smothered by the Ravens' defense. The game was close for much of the first half, as the Ravens went into the half leading 10-7. A close game turned into a blowout in a matter of thirty minutes as the Ravens' defense forced five turnovers and helped the offense extended their lead to 30-7. By forcing five turnovers in the game, the Ravens extended their streak of forcing five turnovers in wild-card games to three straight seasons. 
    The Ravens' offense fed off of their defense in this game. The Ravens' offense was able to rack up 390 yards of offense and scored 30 points. Joe Flacco had a big game, throwing for 265 yards and two touchdown passes, one to Anquan Boldin and one to Ray Rice. Todd Heap also had a big game, with 108 receiving yards on the day. 
    The Ravens will head to Pittsburgh next Saturday, renewing one of the league's fiercest rivalries. They split season series with the Steelers, with each team winning on the others home field. 

- Charlie Rachel

Ravens Week 17 Recap

    The Ravens entered Week 17, the final week of the 2010 regular season, looking to accomplish a few things with a win against the Cincinnati Bengals. First off, the Ravens entered the game looking to end their five-game losing streak to the Bengals. They were also looking to gain momentum heading into the playoffs. Also with a win and a Steelers' lose the Ravens would win the AFC North. This would give the Ravens the number two seed in the AFC and would give them a first round playoff bye. 
     The Ravens were able to build a little momentum heading into the playoffs, as they were able to win a close one against the Bengals and extended their winning streak to four games and ended their five-game losing streak to the Bengals. The Ravens' defense played well in the game as they forced five turnovers and held the Bengals to seven points. The offense did not play particularly well, but did its part not to lose the game. 
    Even with the win, the Ravens were not able to win the AFC North because the Steelers blew out the Browns. Because of this, the Ravens are the number five seed in the playoffs and will travel to Kansas City in the first round of the playoffs. 

- Charlie Rachel

Ravens Week 16 Recap

    Ed Reed led the charge as the Ravens won their sixth straight game against the Cleveland Browns. The defense held the Browns to 250 yards of offense and forced three interceptions; two by Pro Bowl bound Ed Reed. The defense only gave up 10 points and only three of those points came after the first quarter. 
    Joe Flacco had two key touchdown passes in the game. The first of those touchdown passes came in the first quarter when Flacco connected with T.J. Houshmandzadeh to put the Ravens ahead 10-7. The second touchdown pass came in the third quarter as Flacco connected this time with Derrick Mason to seal the victory, 20-10. 
    With the win the Ravens improved their record tp 11-4 and clinched their third straight playoff berth. They also have an outside shot of winning the AFC North with a win in Week 17 at home against the Cincinnati Bengals. The Ravens will also need the Steelers to lose against the Browns in Week 17 in order to win the AFC North and clinch a first round bye in the playoffs. 

- Charlie Rachel

Ravens Week 15 Recap

    Ray Rice, who had a career day versus the defending Super Bowl Champion New Orleans Saints, carried the Ravens to victory. Rice ran for 153 yards, caught 5 passes for 80 yards and scored two touchdowns to lead the Ravens to a 30-24 victory. The Ravens' rushing attack was very strong throughout the entire game and took some pressure off of Joe Flacco, as well as their defense. 
    The defense held strong to prevent their 9th blown fourth-quarter lead of the season, as the Saints were on the verge of a comeback late in the fourth quarter, trailing 27-24. Defensive End Cory Redding picked off a Drew Brees pass, to seal the victory for the Ravens. 
    The win ended the Saints six-game winning streak and helped the Ravens improve to 10-4 overall on the season and 6-1 at home. The Ravens will take on the Cleveland Browns in Week 16, the same Browns team that gave the Ravens a strong challenge in Week 3 in a 24-17 ball game. The Ravens also look to extend their winning streak versus the Browns to six straight.

- Charlie Rachel