Cerebral Palsy is a condition that is disease that affects "brain and nervous system functions such as movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking" ("Cerebral Palsy"). This disease is caused by "Bleeding in the brain, brain infections, head injury, infections in the mother during pregnancy, and severe jaundice" during infancy. The affect of Cerebral Palsy is "seizures, speech problems, muscle tightness, pain, and abnormal gait". I am an individual diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy who is currently bound to a wheel chair, but that is soon to change because assistive technology is becoming available to me to help me walk again.
I want to walk because it is a good workout for me. It will help my legs become stronger and I will be able to better aid those who help me with my daily care. Hopefully, one day I will be able to independently care for myself.
It would also better my mental health because I would be proud of myself. With being in a wheel chair independence is harder to come, while I appreciate individuals helping me with tasks; I would appreciate it more to complete them myself. I would also feel better physically because I could stretch my legs, which sometimes become cramped after sitting a long period of time. I think if I had some assistive technology like a standing walker that I can be strapped into and some assistance in case of a fall my life long dream of walking will come true; even if I need help to do so. I walked for the first time in quite some years a few weeks ago at work with a walker and assistance from a co-worker. It felt great after a long time of not walking since my long lost walker has not been recovered, so I cannot walk at home, nor at work.
We have attempted to begin the process of trying to get me some assistive walking tools to help make this possible. I think this will help me become stronger and live a better healthier lifestyle.
"Cerebral Palsy." Disease and Conditions 09 16 2009. n. pag. Pub Med. Web. 9 Aug 2011.
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