Friday, September 28, 2012

She's Not Dead

She’s Not Dead
By Charles Rachel

If I found out one day that my high school math teacher was missing, I would first hope that wherever she might be, she’s okay. Then I would hope she returned soon. I might even begin to assume she might have died, but I would hope not. If I received a letter written in a code like she might have used in class, I would be glad she’s ok, and think she might be playing a game to see how much I remember after all these years. If I then discovered that my class mates received the same letter, I would wonder what other challenges might be waiting for us. Whatever they were, we would accept them. There is always room for practicing the skills you already have, or learning something new.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Love Letter from the Future

Love Letter from the Future
By Charles Rachel

If there was a secret room in my house, I would want to know what was in it, and why it was being kept a secret. I would then go, and investigate it myself. If I found a love letter to my mother that was written by someone other then my father, I would wonder why? If I discovered upon farther investigation that the letter was dated five years in the future, I would want to know what was going on. I would be curious about if my parents were planning to split up, and why they didn’t tell me? Thankfully I’m pretty sure this is not the case in my family. If it was however, I would talk to them about it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why I can't get a flu Shot Excuse

Why I can’t get flu Shot Excuse
By Charles Rachel

If I went to the doctor for a checkup, and he wanted me to get a flu shot. I would tell him why I can’t do that. I can’t get a flu shot because I might catch the flu from it. Why would I want to get a shot to prevent the flu, if the shot will give it to me anyway?  That’s why I can’t get the flu shot. Actually that is not true.  Getting a flu shot doesn’t give you the flu. Some people think it does, but it is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy. Getting the flu shot doesn’t mean you can never get the flu. It just means you may not get it as badly as you might have otherwise. So no more excuses. Protect yourself, and those you love. Get a flu shot today.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Earth is Flooding

The Earth is Flooding
By Charles Rachel

If the Earth were flooding I would get on my boat, and prepare to sale to safety. If I could take only five kinds of animals with me on my boat, they would be Horses, because I sometimes picture myself riding them, dogs, because they’re loyal, turtles, because I have been interested in what they might be doing while under their shell, frogs, because their cute, and Panda bear cubs, because they look cute and cuddly. These are the five types of animals I would choose to take with me if the Earth was flooding.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Life as a Knight

My Life as a Knight
By Charles Rachel

I think it would be neat to live my life as a knight. Then I could help protect England from people who break the law, or who may intend to try to do harm to the royal family. I would probably wake up in the morning, and wait to be given my daily assignment from someone in the royal chain of command. Then I would gladly carry out their instructions. I would feel really good knowing I was responsible for keeping the royal family safe to continue ruling the United Kingdom, and all surrounding areas.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Most Nutritious Fruits and why we should eat them

The Most Nutritious Fruits and why we should eat them
By Charles Rachel

Everyone knows we should eat certain amount of fruits and vegetables a day. They contain vitamins and minerals we need to help us stay healthy. We have all heard the saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eating the right kinds of foods, along with exercise and regular doctor visits should go a long way in helping us live long happy and healthy lives. Please feel free to visit the nutrition chart online for the daily recommended serving sizes. Please stay safe, happy, and healthy.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Career Day at My Child's School

Career Day at My Child’s School
By Charles Rachel

If I agreed to be at my child’s school, and was then fired. I would keep my obligation to be at school. I wouldn’t have the heart to tell her until after Career day. I would do this because my children would be counting on me, and I wouldn’t want to let them down. Instead I would come to Career Day, and tell the class what I used to do for a living. As far as having trouble with my public speaking, I would just have to overcome it. Then after we got home, I would tell my children I lost my job. I would do anything for my children. Because that is what being a parent is all about.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Magic Car Lot ran by Witches

The Magic Car Lot ran by Witches
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time in the town of Salem Massachusetts, there lived a bunch of witches. By now everyone has probably heard of them. They are famous for causing trouble. One day they decided to get into the business of selling cars, but this wasn’t your ordinary used car lot. As the customers started buying the cars would soon find out. One day one of the customers was out driving the car she had just bought. Everything seemed to be fine at first. As she continued however, the car began to slowly rise off of the ground. Before long, she found herself flying in the air. She immediately took the car back, and told the witches about it flying. Soon other customers began reporting the same thing. Some of them liked it, and kept their cars. However some of them asked for their money back. It might be nice to own a car that could fly. Don’t you think?

Monday, September 10, 2012

The End of the Worled

The End of the World
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time in the not to distant future, some friends went to the mall to shop and hang out. They were having lots of fun together. They even saw a magician performing outside the mall entrance a bit later that afternoon. Then they decided to go out for a drink. When they got to the bar, they each got an Orange Julius. When they came out of the bar, they saw the magician still doing his magic tricks. This time, there was even a unicorn standing next to him. For his last trick, he made the unicorn fly. Unknown to everyone however, this would be the last thing they would see. Just then, the ground began to shake. Everyone ran for their lives. They headed for the NASA space center. When they arrived there, they quickly began changing into their space suits. Then they jumped into the shuttle, and blasted off into space. They headed toward the planet Mars. There had always been some questions about weather or not Mars could support our kind of life. They discovered, at least in this case it could. Who knew after all these years, the Martians might just be us. Wouldn’t that be something?

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Search for Berried Treasure

The Search for Berried Treasure
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time, a group of friends went out in search of berried treasure. Armed with only a compass and map, they began looking for gold. They climbed every mountain, and unturned every stone. They searched all around the land, but there was no gold in sight. Still they continued looking for it everywhere. They were having lots of fun spending this time together. They soon found this experience was bringing them closer together, and making their friendship stronger. They never did find the gold they were seeking that day. Maybe that’s because they were never meant to find physical gold bars. Maybe this wasn’t that type of treasure search at all. Perhaps instead, they had already found it. Friendship may in fact be the best treasure of all.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Band who travels around the Country Performing in Trailer Parks

A Band who travels around the Country Performing in Trailer Parks
By Charles Rachel

Once upon a time there was an Irish band that came to the United States, to share their music and culture with us. The name of the band was Celtic Spirit. They liked to hold their concerts in any trailer park they could find. People came from all around to listen to there music. Some of the fans even began going to Ireland to see them perform. This type of music became extremely popular in America. It is played on some public radio stations, and in Irish pubs around the area. I am part Irish myself, and I love to listen to Irish music. I find it quite soothing.  It is sometimes easier for me to concentrate on work while it is playing in the background. St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. I sometimes even speak in the Irish accent on this day. It is lots of fun.