The Mad Scientist’s Magic Potion
By Charles Rachel
Once upon a time there lived a man named Daniel. He lived alone in a small house. He wished he could find someone to love and share his life with. He tried dating, but hadn’t been able to find the right girl. One day as Daniel was walking to the store, he came upon a tall building. He suddenly became interested in what might be inside. He slowly walked toward the building and opened the door. Then he walked up a flight of stares. He soon came to a laboratory. As Daniel entered the lab, he saw a Scientist working on a potion. He asked the Scientist what kind of potion it was. The Scientist told him it was a potion that could give him anything he wanted in life. Daniel quickly became interested and told the Scientist he wanted someone to share his life with. The Scientist told him to drink the potion and he could have that, and anything else he desired. He took a drink and left to look for someone to love. He soon met a woman named Jill. He asked her out and she said yes. They went on several dates and were married a short time later. The only real side affect was, the potion wore off at the end of the day. So he had to use it once a day to continue living this lifestyle.
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